
Christmas Recap 2011

I am so behind sharing our wonderful holiday break and Christmas celebration. Let me go ahead and do a short Christmas recap in photos (I haven't had the chance to even download the rest of our holiday pictures from the big camera). Nevertheless, these shots capture special moments and highlights of the past weeks in December. 

First off - Aston had a Christmas party before his school break. They had a post-lunch party with arts and crafts, holiday cupcakes and green milk. It was fun to see them exchange gifts and handing out presents to their teachers and really get the meaning of sharing the holiday spirit! 

Back at home, the husband decided to have Christmas lights put up professionally and he's been obsessed. Not contented, he opted to have the trees trimmed and decked out with lights too! 

I got myself busy baking some homemade food for the gods for lucky friends and relatives and really hoped they liked my version. I also got treated with some really yummy treats and goodies from friends afar. We received and loved KettleCorn NYC, pecan cookies from David's, Yoku Moku cookies and so much more! Thank you to all my generous friends who shared those with us!

Then we were off to San Diego Legoland before Christmas to meet up with my sister and sister-in-law who were both flying in from Chicago. We had an absolute blast there enjoying the gorgeous weather and the winter wonderland Legoland has to offer!

Aston get to play in real snow, build snowmen, throw snowballs and get to meet Santa in full Lego form!
The giant Christmas tree made of Legos was unbelievable and the fireworks were simply amazing! 

On Christmas eve, our hotel set up a cookie and hot chocolate bar for us to enjoy and we mingled and exchanged holiday greetings with other hotel guests. Before midnight, we head on back to our room and opened gifts! 

This was the first time for us to travel during Christmas and we sure missed sharing them with friends and relatives back home. It was still a memorable one and we'll surely remember in years to come! 

1 comment:

lilivi said...

Great memories..fun times with family..