
Our First Grader

 Today is a classic first day of school, rainy and gloomy (just as I always remembered as a kid). We just got back from California yesterday but we are all ready up and bright this morning for first day of school. 

Aston will be in first grade and we are excited for him. We met his new teacher (who's wonderful!) and classmates last week and it was nice meeting parents as well! 

We were the first one there today in the classroom and we get to snap a pic of him and his teacher!  
Never fails. I cry every year when I drop him off on the first day of school (notice how small my eyes are?). I was a total mess while he's all embarassed. Year after year you get to realize that he's all grown up. A bit more responsible. Slightly reliable. Is that really our baby boy? 

Do you moms feel the same way?